Three Shires Lodge 5103 : Masonic Lodge Birmingham UK

The History of Three Shires Lodge

It was during the era of what became known as 'The Roaring Twenties' that our Lodge was formed. Towards the end of the decade there was the Wall Street Crash, bringing in its wake the world-wide depression with massive unemployment everywhere, including Britain where we also had the General Strike. Such was the atmosphere into which our Lodge was born.

Fortunately Masonry in all its disciplines continued as before. The Midland Provinces of Warwickshire, Worcestershire & Staffordshire were as active as any others and then, as now, there were many comings and goings between Brethren of all three Provinces, especially in Birmingham where the boundaries of the three Provinces come very close to each other.

It was as a result of Masonic visiting, particularly in other degrees, that our Lodge was formed. At this time our Founders were constantly meeting and from the fellowship that grew between them came the notion to form a new Craft Lodge. They were particularly desirous of associating themselves with the new Masonic Temple at New Street and with Warwickshire Craft Masonry. It is known that our Founders, whose Mother Lodges were from the three Provinces, decided to combine all three and so called their new Lodge "Three Shires".

W.Bro R L Sian P Prov G W (Warks) P Prov G D C (Staffs) P M of Tudor Lodge of Volunteers No.138 is credited with being the mover and inspiration behind Three Shires Lodge and it was he, as a Founder Member, who on 22nd October 1928 presented a petition to St Pauls Lodge No.43 to act as our sponsor.

Lodge Banner

The banner is exquisitely embroidered in many colours on a blue back-ground.

The all-seeing eye looks down with the rays of heaven upon the central and main motif which is the Lodge medallion. This is symmetrically divided into four parts.

The top division contains a shield on which is depicted the "Swan of Avon" so representing the Masonic Province of Warwickshire.

The left-hand division contains a shield on which is depicted a "Pear Tree" so representing the Masonic Province of Worcestershire.

The right-hand division also contains a shield on which can be seen a "Clay Vase" representing the Masonic Province of Staffordshire.

The lower division contains an "Ear of Corn" depicting of course, "Plenty".

Around the periphery is the Lodge name and number. Near the bottom, to the left of the medallion is shown the rough ashlar and to the right, the perfect ashlar complete with lewis.

Lower still is a scroll with the words "Consecrated in 1929".

Link to the Warwickshire PGL website
Approved by Warks PGL

Copyright © 2010 Three Shires Lodge No. 5103